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[1] X. Wang, Z.M. Wang*. Micro-seepage directed evaporation and salt nucleation of a brine droplet on oil-impregnated steel surfaces. Surface & Coatings Technology. 455 (2023) 129160

[2] Y. Li, Z.M. Wang*, G.-L. Song*. Designing an oil-impregnated surface on carbon steel with superior corrosion resistance to oil-water alternating flows. Geoenergy Science and Engineering 224 (2023) 211527

[3] K. Wang, Z.M. Wang*, G.-L. Song*, Batch Transportation of Oil and Water for Reducing Pipeline Corrosion, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 195 (2020) 107583

[4] Z.M. Wang*, Q.Y. Lun, J. Wang, X. Han, J. Zhang, G.-L. Song*. Corrosion mitigation behavior of an alternately wetted steel electrode in oil/water media. Corrosion Science 152 (2019) 140-152


[5] J. Feng, Z.M. Wang*, D. Zhang, G.-L. Song*, Influence of dissolved oxygen on the corrosion of mild steel in a simulated cement pore solution under supercritical carbon dioxide. Construction and Building Materials 311 (2021) 125270

[6] J. Feng, Z.M. Wang*, D. Zhang, G.-L. Song*, The localized corrosion of mild steel in carbonated cement pore solution under supercritical carbon dioxide in a simulated geothermal environment. Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 122035

[7] Z.M. Wang, G.-L. Song*. An Analytical Model for the Corrosion Risk of Water Alternating Gas Injection Wells in CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery, Advanced Theory & Simulations 1 (2018) 1800041

[8] A.Q. Liu, C. Bian, Z.M. Wang*, X. Han, J. Zhang. Flow dependence of steel corrosion in supercritical CO2 environments with different water concentrations, Corrosion Science 134 (2018) 149-161


[9] Q. Gao, B. Wei, S. Zhang, Q. Liu, Z.M. Wang*, G.-L. Song, Statistical analysis of the spatial transmission of pipeline failures in an oil treatment station at Sinopec Tahe oilfield. ASCE-Journal of Pipeline Systems: Engineering and Practice 13 (2022) 04022023

[10] L. Yang, Z.M. Wang*, L. Shi, D. Zhang, D. Fu, G.-L. Song*, Copper Ion Accelerated Local Failure of Epoxy Coating on NdFeB Magnet in Immersion Conditions, Engineering Failure Analysis 115 (2020) 104677


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2087-6475

ScholarGoogle (Zi Ming Wang): https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DbhGHwkAAAAJ&hl=en




1. 多相流腐蚀:从微观层面理解多相交替环境作用下材料腐蚀机制,建立腐蚀研究与风险评估方法,突破多相流腐蚀防护技术瓶颈,为相关工程提供可靠的解决方案。

2. CCUS腐蚀:针对碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)工程中关键工艺环节的材料腐蚀问题,开展特殊工况下材料服役行为与预测技术研究,保障CCUS工程安全稳定运行。

3. 耐蚀材料应用:探索耐蚀材料设计的新思路


1. 材料科学基础(本科生专业基础课,2018年至今)

2. 工程伦理(研究生专业必修课,2018年至今)

3. 生产实习(本科生专业必修课,2018年至今)


围绕海底管道腐蚀防护关键技术需求,在多相流腐蚀、CCUS腐蚀等方向取得一些较有特色的研究进展。主持国家自然科学基金、中石化科技攻关、福建省自然科学基金、厦门大学校长基金等科研项目10余项;发表论文40余篇,获得专利 5 项。


1. 油水两相流管道腐蚀评估与防控技术。连续10余年探索多相流腐蚀奥秘,致力于攻克动态润湿与腐蚀关联性等基础科学问题,并研发全新颠覆性腐蚀防护技术。取得最新进展:




2. 海洋CO2运输管道腐蚀风险评价技术。碳捕集、封存与利用(CCUS)技术是推动我国实现“碳达峰、碳中和”目标的有效手段和托底技术。针对管道材料腐蚀安全问题,围绕海陆CO2输送、注采井筒服役安全等关键流程开展了腐蚀机理、风险评估与防护技术研究,形成独具特色的CCUS全链条材料服役评价与防护技术。取得最新进展:







[1] X. Wang, Z.M. Wang*. Micro-seepage directed evaporation and salt nucleation of a brine droplet on oil-impregnated steel surfaces. Surface & Coatings Technology. 455 (2023) 129160

[2] Y. Li, Z.M. Wang*, G.-L. Song*. Designing an oil-impregnated surface on carbon steel with superior corrosion resistance to oil-water alternating flows. Geoenergy Science and Engineering 224 (2023) 211527

[3] K. Wang, Z.M. Wang*, G.-L. Song*, Batch Transportation of Oil and Water for Reducing Pipeline Corrosion, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 195 (2020) 107583

[4] Z.M. Wang*, Q.Y. Lun, J. Wang, X. Han, J. Zhang, G.-L. Song*. Corrosion mitigation behavior of an alternately wetted steel electrode in oil/water media. Corrosion Science 152 (2019) 140-152


[5] J. Feng, Z.M. Wang*, D. Zhang, G.-L. Song*, Influence of dissolved oxygen on the corrosion of mild steel in a simulated cement pore solution under supercritical carbon dioxide. Construction and Building Materials 311 (2021) 125270

[6] J. Feng, Z.M. Wang*, D. Zhang, G.-L. Song*, The localized corrosion of mild steel in carbonated cement pore solution under supercritical carbon dioxide in a simulated geothermal environment. Construction and Building Materials 274 (2021) 122035

[7] Z.M. Wang, G.-L. Song*. An Analytical Model for the Corrosion Risk of Water Alternating Gas Injection Wells in CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery, Advanced Theory & Simulations 1 (2018) 1800041

[8] A.Q. Liu, C. Bian, Z.M. Wang*, X. Han, J. Zhang. Flow dependence of steel corrosion in supercritical CO2 environments with different water concentrations, Corrosion Science 134 (2018) 149-161


[9] Q. Gao, B. Wei, S. Zhang, Q. Liu, Z.M. Wang*, G.-L. Song, Statistical analysis of the spatial transmission of pipeline failures in an oil treatment station at Sinopec Tahe oilfield. ASCE-Journal of Pipeline Systems: Engineering and Practice 13 (2022) 04022023

[10] L. Yang, Z.M. Wang*, L. Shi, D. Zhang, D. Fu, G.-L. Song*, Copper Ion Accelerated Local Failure of Epoxy Coating on NdFeB Magnet in Immersion Conditions, Engineering Failure Analysis 115 (2020) 104677


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2087-6475

ScholarGoogle (Zi Ming Wang): https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DbhGHwkAAAAJ&hl=en

学位 职称 副教授
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 zmwang@xmu.edu.cn 电话 0592-2186802

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